
The Gloversville-Johnstown Joint Wastewater
Treatment Facility is capable of treating up to 13.8 million
gallons/day (MGD) of domestic sanitary sewage and industrial wastewater. The
facility treats all wastewater generated by the residents of the cities of
Gloversville and Johnstown (approximately 25,000 people), plus two dozen
industries, and approximately 100 users outside the corporate limits of the
two cities.
The facility is currently
operated by 25 employees. Oversight of daily operations is
accomplished by the Gloversville-Johnstown Joint Sewer Board consisting of
six (6) members, three from each city. The Joint Sewer Board meets at 6:00
P.M. on the second Wednesday of the month at the Gloversville-Johnstown
Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility Board Room, 191 Union Avenue, Johnstown,
New York.
Review Our Year 2024 Annual
Joint Sewer Board |
Christopher Vose: Chair
Bobbi Trudel
Eric Parker
Michael Stover
John Rizzo
Deanna Hitchcock
Sewer Board Meeting Minutes |
City of Gloversville Mayor: |
Honorable Vincent DeSantis |
City of Johnstown
Mayor |
Honorable Amy Praught |